Sources are everywhere; when you log into any website, you will see an article with some sort of news displayed. Finding sources is not hard, but finding ones you trust is! The world seems to throw a lot of views at you, but I hope to make that a bit easier. Today in this post I will be sharing FIVE sources that I find extremely helpful in times that seem uncertain. Although they are not in a certain order, I do believe that these sources are lifesavers.
2. Justice Briefs
Throughout my time in Criminal Justice, I have found myself having many questions about current events but never seemed to have a place that broke it down enough for me. When I took a class for my criminal justice class, I was introduced to Justice Briefs.
This newsletter was started by Dr. Ingram, who is a professor at High Point University and worked as a federal prosecutor for many years before that. All of these credentials make it easy for me to trust his information. Dr. Ingram writes on many topics in the justice system and has extensive knowledge of the subjects he writes about. Justice Briefs keeps me up to date with political and federal news. He keeps it easy to understand and interesting. Many times, when I have found myself having questions, not long after, there will be an email in my inbox answering that exact question. If you have the time, you should totally check this newsletter out, even if it is just for fun!
3. American Psychological Association
I was once a psychology major until I found a love for law. During this time, I had to write many papers with research and studies. In these questionable times, I always turned to the APA. They are the widest-known place for information in the psych world. It has a wide variety of experts reviewing the material posted and is constantly updated. They have multiple studies on any topic you could think of with mental health or behavioral studies. The American Psychological Association also follows strict rules for research. Not just anyone can post a study. They leave it easily accessible to use for any papers you may write. It's easy to cite and mostly easy to read. When researching studies, it may be hard to follow the other studies they may reference, but the APA makes it easy to find. The APA is a go-to source for anyone interested in mental health and behavior.
4. News Nation
There are many reasons why you can trust News Nation as a source to add to your list. They run unbiased news without trying to sway you one way. Although no news is completely unbiased, it presents information from different viewpoints, which helps with biases that may be present. They give you the information and leave it to you to come up with your own conclusion. This can be refreshing in a world where everyone is fighting for you to believe their sides. News Nation can be especially beneficial for someone unsure about their stance; you will not find many biases here.
Many news stations focus on just local reports but not on News Nation. They do not only focus on local topics; they cover a wide range of current events around the world. Having multiple credible reporters and journalists working with them to help provide the most accurate information and eliminate irrelevant information. Another positive is it runs 24/7! So, with the unbiased news that you are constantly receiving, this goes on the list.
5. Fox News
In my household, if you are not watching Fox News, then there is something wrong. Ever since I can remember, we had Fox News playing in our house. I came to trust this source through my dad. He served in the military, and after an extensive career in the military, he became a police officer. If my father trusts it, I believe I can too. I have always closely aligned with my dad on legal issues.
My trust goes deeper than just my dad. I trust their sources because they report news to me that I can understand, especially from a political standpoint. I also feel that I receive news quickly with them, bringing us live to places with action. They are also not like typical news; they have segments that are meant for their audience, not just reporting the news. I especially love Waters World—although this is purely for entertainment and not validity. Waters has segments where he reads texts sent in from viewers, which expands a personal feeling with humorous responses at times. I have never been the best at following current events, but when I do, I watch Fox News.
This list is just a small look into the sources that I find reliable. Although I believe that you need to find multiple viewpoints before you come to a conclusion, these sources just make it easier to come to your own opinions. I hope that these sources help you just as much as they have helped me.
Thank you for joining me on T- Thoughts with T.
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