In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic set off a surge of events that left humanity feeling isolated and fearful of the future. All over the world, suicide rates increased, looting became prevalent on the news, and many were feeling the weight of impending doom! There was outrage around the world over the lack of simple, clear communication and honesty. It is never fun to feel like the punchline to a joke, and that's what 2020 felt like to so many.
How did this involve free expression? Well, during this time, because we were held captive in comfy beds, we were drawn to places where we could find human interaction; for most, that was social media. Through social media, you can feel connected to other people without even having to be near them, one of the plus sides of social media. We get to see individual self-fulfillment through social media platforms.
Consequently, when you have good, there must be bad. We began to see division between people on what they believed. Everyone has the right to believe something. This is a value of expression called Protect Dissent. You have the right to have an opinion and question anything, no matter how big or small. And we are lucky to have the right to voice that.
Now, let's go back to the beginning of the pandemic. We began to see data that did not make sense involving Covid cases. Unfortunately, many people lost their lives. It is also unfortunate that the government lied to us. It took many years for the facts about doctors being forced to support failing data, and if they did not comply, they would receive harsh punishment, even being labeled as criminals. This takes away a value of speech known as the check on governmental power. It also takes away protect dissent. This is where we can question everything, even the government. As you can see, this freedom being taken away leads to lies being spread and false hope being given. Not only were they being forced to give the vaccine, but if you complained or refused, you were fired. This is what inevitably led to a doctor suing Pfizer.
Just in the past few days, President Trump signed an executive order to abolish the right to birthright citizenship. This has caused outrage among people who believe that this is unconstitutional. Speaking out is an example of protect dissent and stable change. We should speak out about the government doing things we do not believe in. In fact, it is our right to do so not only through the Constitution but also through our value of checking on government power.
Throughout this post, you can tell that I have mentioned protect dissent many times. This is due to the fact that I believe it is the most important value. If we do not utilize protect dissent, then the other values become nonexistent. Protect dissent gives us the privilege to be able to question everyone, including our government. Even in a court of law, you can question and debate your views. Without this value, I would not be able to continue in the professional degree I hope to achieve. I would not be able to have access to social media platforms. Something that, in turn, would not give me individual self-fulfillment.
Throughout this blog, I hope to have enlightened you about the values of expression, and hopefully, you can analyze your own values of expression!